Wednesday, 15 June 2011

The Bird and The Fish

There's this old adage that goes something to the effect of: a fish and a bird can fall in love, but where would they make a home? It always seemed so sad to me. Couple that with the impending environmental destruction that global warming threatens life with on a continual basis and soon the possibility of any of us having a place to build a home together diminishes severely. I know that a bird and a fish cannot actually build a home together, but there is something in the potential for togetherness and symbiosis that just feels right somewhere in my bones. I feel that it is via respect and then unity with all life forms that solutions might be found and NOT through alienation that results from being constantly "plugged in". It is for this reason that I have chosen to draw a bird and a fish in the holes where one would normally plug themselves and, and, inadvertently, shut themselves off from the rest of the world. This way you cannot ignore it.

I know it's not the greatest art but I'm hoping that it will inspire some to look outside the box to things that they can up-cycle.

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